Types of kefir diet for quick weight loss and their benefits

kefir diet for weight loss

Hello dear readers and those who have dreams of losing weight! Among the large number of different mono-diets, the kefir diet for weight loss has become especially popular. Fermented milk products bring great benefits to the body because their composition is rich in various trace elements. You just need to choose the right number of kefir fasting days so that after a while you can lose those extra pounds!

Kefir diet for weight loss: main characteristics

The kefir diet is a diet for getting rid of excess pounds based on the consumption of kefir, divided into single diets with strict rules. Not only are you allowed to consume fermented milk drinks, but you can also consume a specific product of your choice.

results of the kefir diet

Kefir diet for weight loss

The main types of mixed kefir diets are divided into a certain period of time. There are diets designed for 3, 5 or 7 days. This is a very effective method that allows you to achieve optimal results in the fight against overweight.

If you follow the basic principles of the kefir diet for weight loss, you can cleanse your body of toxins. The intestinal microflora is also gradually restored. Thanks to that, you can deal with a sagging abdomen, causing complications.

Very often, raw vegetables containing fiber are added to fermented milk products. This ingredient effectively cleanses the intestines. The diet includes kefir, supplemented with fresh vegetables. If you also engage in exercise, you will see results in a minimal amount of time.

Benefits of kefir diet

Different types of kefir diets are united by certain advantages common to each nutritional method:

  • lose weight more effectively;
  • the body is cleansed of waste and toxins;
  • you can forget about problems such as constipation;
  • The product contains a lot of calcium as well as bacteria that are beneficial to the body.

Side effects can occur only if kefir is used incorrectly. You should also seek advice from a specialist who will determine whether you have any contraindications to such a diet.

Are there any disadvantages to the kefir diet?

Of course, such a mono diet is not without its weaknesses. However, unpleasant consequences threaten you only if you do not comply with the rules of nutrition. So they include the following points:

  • Existing diseases of the digestive organs may become worse;
  • you may feel very weak;
  • People often complain about constant dizziness;
  • the body does not receive most of the nutrients, leading to poor functioning of organs;
  • skin and hair condition becomes poor;
  • Women may experience disruption to their menstrual cycle;
  • stomach rumbles continuously, causing discomfort;
  • the intestines begin to work too actively;
  • If you sit alone on kefir for more than a week, you may encounter such a problem as physical exhaustion.

If you suddenly notice the appearance of one of the symptoms, stop the diet immediately. Be sure to visit your doctor. He will study the condition of your body in order to promptly eliminate developing problems.

You should adhere to the basic rules of nutrition to avoid the consequences described above. Only in this case will your body receive special benefits. You will be able to cope with the hated kilos without negative effects.

Kefir diet for 7 days: how to create the diet properly?

If you are wondering whether it is possible to lose weight with kefir, the answer is clear – of course yes! It is important that you correctly plan your menu every day of the week, which must include this fermented milk product. Only in this case, a 7-day kefir diet guarantees results.

Kefir diet for a week for women

Every day you need to add a new product to the fermented milk product to lose weight quickly and effectively. The weekly diet looks like this.

Day of the week Nutritional principles

1. 5 liters of kefir;

1 kg of fruit (bananas and grapes are prohibited)

1. 5 liters of kefir;

Oven-baked potatoes (4 pieces)

1. 5 liters of kefir;

0. 5 kg of boiled or grilled meat

1. 5 liters of kefir;

0. 5 kg of steamed lean fish

1. 5 liters of kefir;

1kg apples

1. 5 liters of kefir;

1 kg of any vegetables
Sunday 1. 5 liters of still mineral water

Such a simple menu will bring tangible results in a minimal amount of time. But there is also a diet that you need to maintain for three days. The general principles of the kefir diet for 3 days are characterized by the following points:

  • Every day you need to drink at least 1. 5 liters of this drink. But if we are talking about kefir with a fat content of 1. 5%, then you can drink it in an amount of two liters per day;
  • Divide the drink into 5 equal parts. They must be consumed regularly so that the body gets used to such a schedule;
  • You should not drink kefir and plain water at the same time. You should drink some liquid between doses. During the day you should consume up to 2 liters of clean, non-carbonated water.

To lose weight, drink kefir with a minimum percentage of fat. Thanks to that, your body will receive 800 kcal per day. Also pay attention to the expiration date of the drink. A fresh drink contains a maximum of bacteria beneficial to the body. That's why a 3-day kefir diet will definitely help you deal with excess weight without stress.

Kefir diet for men

Representatives of the stronger sex can also adhere to a similar way of eating to cope with extra pounds.

You need to drink at least two liters of fermented milk per day, divided into 5 doses. No additional products are necessary. The best option would be a similar diet lasting no more than three days.

But you can add various vegetables and fruits to kefir. Thanks to this, this nutritional method can last up to 5 days. But if you have diseases of the digestive tract, then this diet is contraindicated for you.

Features of the kefir-cucumber diet

An effective kefir diet with cucumbers for weight loss can help you cope with extra pounds. All week you need to drink two liters of kefir with minimal fat content, and at the same time eat 0. 5 kg of cucumbers.

kefir-cucumber diet

Kefir with cucumbers

Vegetables can be eaten whole or processed into salads. An excellent ingredient is fresh herbs, as well as a dressing in the form of lemon juice.

To avoid weakness and loss of strength, you can eat 100 g of lean fish for lunch. It is grilled or cooked in a double boiler.

There is no strict menu for such a diet, but you can adhere to certain principles:

  • for breakfast, eat a salad of cucumbers and finely chopped herbs, wash the plate with a glass of kefir;
  • You can have an afternoon snack with two fresh cucumbers;
  • when an hour has passed after a light meal, drink fermented milk product;
  • lunch will be like okroshka: finely chop cucumbers, sprinkle with chopped greens and pour kefir over the ingredients;
  • Dining with a salad, you can add dressing in the form of a few drops of olive oil.

Remember to drink kefir throughout the day, and also drink a glass of the drink before going to bed.

Diet with kefir and cheese

The 7-day kefir-curd diet is extremely popular, allowing you to detoxify your body by cleansing it from dangerous components. You need to take one liter of fermented milk product and 400 grams of fresh cheese. The product is consumed daily, not snacking on other dishes. You can also add two fruits to your diet. But give up sweet fruits because they are not good for the body. Pay attention to apples or oranges.

kefir-curd diet

Kefir-curd diet

This diet is quite strict. That's why try to avoid excessive physical activity. It's better to supplement your diet with yoga or light jogging in the morning for effective results. Also, try to avoid stressful situations because your body will be stressed.

Features of the kefir and apple diet

There is a kefir-apple diet for 7 days, which also has a noticeable effect. It is designed for one week, because this is the optimal period for getting rid of excess pounds.

Your diet should include a fermented milk drink, as well as 1. 5 kg of apples, which you need to eat every day. You can combine products together. For example, preparing a kefir cocktail with the addition of fruit, you will be delighted with its unsurpassed taste.

diet with kefir and apples

Diet combined with apples

You can adhere to the kefir-apple diet for three days. In this situation, you need to replace the foods included in the diet. This could be the following menu:

  • day one – 1. 5 kg of apples;
  • second day – 1. 5 liters of fermented milk;
  • third day – 1. 5 kg of apples.

If we talk about a diet for a week, then in the first three days consume food as in the previous version. However, you can then mix them or substitute them. Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be different. Thanks to that, your body will not get tired while following such a diet.

It is very easy to prepare a delicious cocktail from products included in the diet. Take an apple and peel it. Then blend the fruit using a fine mesh grater. Pour porridge over a glass of fermented milk. If you don't like sour cocktails, use sweet apple varieties.

What is the striped kefir diet?

The striped kefir diet is extremely popular with everyone, it is very interesting and effective. It involves alternating fasting days with kefir with a 0% fat content. The diet lasts for 15 days, but you can extend it if you feel well. In two weeks, you will lose about 10 kg of excess weight as well as most of the fatty tissue.

In order for such a diet to bring the expected results, give up foods rich in fat. If the day of your usual diet has arrived, do not eat sweets and baked goods. Avoid alcoholic beverages completely.


Before going on such a diet, be sure to cleanse your body. To do this, take activated carbon the day before at the rate of 1 tablet per kilogram of weight. At the same time, drink enough fluids to flush out all waste and toxins.

The first day of such a diet involves unloading. You need to drink at least 1. 5 liters of kefir per day. During breaks, you can drink still water, as well as tea.

striped kefir diet

Striped kefir diet

You can spend the next day with your usual menu. But divide the parts into 5 times. The break between meals should not be less than two hours. It is better to rely on dietary meat, foods containing protein and seafood.

This is a diet combined with exercise. Thanks to this, excess weight will disappear without returning in the future. But you should not overload your body because this will cause stress.

There is also a kefir protein diet recommended for men. Cocktails prepared according to a special formula will allow you not only to cope with extra pounds, but also not to gain them back in the future. In addition, such a diet has a positive effect on the muscles because they become more expressive.

How to exit the kefir diet correctly?

In this situation, it is necessary to act gradually. Otherwise, there is a high risk of injury to the body. He tries to get used to receiving the minimum amount of food during the day.

If you suddenly start consuming familiar foods again in large quantities, you risk facing serious problems. First of all, these are malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive organs, which lead to the development of very dangerous diseases.

how to get off the kefir diet

Protein kefir diet

But you can avoid such negative consequences if you exit the diet wisely. Once you complete the kefir diet, do not eat flour products as well as sweets and fried foods for at least another 7 days.

Take the time to build an optimal diet for yourself. It should include vegetable and fruit salads, as well as porridge dishes prepared from various cereals. Thanks to that, you not only maintain long-term effectiveness but also protect your body from dangerous phenomena.

Remember that mono diets are strict because they limit the amount of food a person consumes to a minimum. That is why the risk of harm to the body cannot be excluded. To avoid negative consequences, do not abuse this diet.

When is the kefir diet prohibited?

Some people should give up this diet no matter how much weight they want to lose. This applies to the following contraindications:

  • If you are pregnant;
  • if a woman breastfeeds her baby;
  • if a person is diagnosed with heart failure or kidney failure;
  • if there is a high risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • if you have a stomach ulcer, as well as diseases of the duodenum;
  • if you have been diagnosed with an acute form of gastritis;
  • if you suffer from inflammatory processes occurring in the gallbladder or pancreas;
  • if you have been diagnosed with too high stomach acidity.

On a note!

Remember that dieting in the presence of such problems can seriously harm the body. This leads to the development of more dangerous, often chronic diseases. That is why you should not make an independent decision about switching to such a diet. Make an appointment with your doctor who will carefully diagnose your physical condition. He will tell you whether you can adhere to such a diet and will also choose the optimal one for you.

If you approach the problem of losing weight wisely, then the kefir diet for weight loss will allow you to quickly cope with the problem. In addition, such a fermented milk drink will have a positive effect on the functioning of the internal organ system. Add kefir to your diet to prevent the development of dangerous diseases.